Maria Gimeno

Performance: In the performance Old Mistresses / Queridas viejas, Maria Gimeno slices through the Western canon, inviting you to reimagine art history as an inclusive narrative that honours female artists.

The Advantages of Being an Afghan Woman (Today) 2021. Response to the 29 restrictions placed upon women and grils by Taliban since 15th August 2021. Charcoal on paper. 150x400cm

Afghan Women at a Table II 2022. Mixed media paper. 150x210cm

2013-2020 Mi mortaja. Abrir palabra por palabra el páramo. Bordado sobre lino 210x175cm 2013-2020

Equilibrio IV (platos y zancos) 2016

Ceramic plates in which I introduced the drawings I made from the self-portraits of female artists. Drawing their faces is a way of paying homage to their existence, a way of introducing you to my colleagues of profession. This ceramics condenses the vulnerability, domestication and precariousness that most women suffer.
Ayudas a la creación 2017, Área de Gobierno de Cultura y Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Con la colaboración de la ceramista Marta Lorca